
Deadline: 10 June, 2019
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Last month, Kristina Eberbach, ISHR's director of education, participated in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Consultation on the Plan of Action for the Fourth Phase (2020–24) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education. The Draft Plan of Action is now available for stakeholder input. Please send comments and suggestions to before 10 June, 2019

Friday, May 10, 2019

The ISHR congratulates Sabrina Kozikis who was invited to present her MA thesis "'Water Is a Human Right' - Exploring the Paradox of Framing Water as a Human Right in a Hostile Political Climate" at this year's GSAS Master's SynThesis Competition. The annual competition is an opportunity for MA students in the Arts and Sciences to showcase their research and presentation skills in a relaxed and collegial environment. Sabrina's faculty advisor, Dr. Inga Winkler, is a staff member at the ISHR and serves as the Institute's Director of Undergraduate Studies. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

New report and Congressional briefings stress the need for stronger legal protections, enhanced funding, community participation, and greater accountability to ensure basic needs are met

by Inga Winkler and Sydney Amoakoh
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

If 2015 was the year the period went public, 2018 was the year menstruation won its spotlight at the United Nations' high-level sustainable development and human rights forums. "Carrying on the Flow" examines how we can turn the current momentum surrounding menstruation into a movement which is not only sustainable - but which also elevates menstrual health as a cross-cutting rights issue, and which truly leaves no menstruator behind. 

PC: @petrapaul13

Saadia Khan
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Saadia Khan is the creator and host of the podcast called, “The Alien Chronicles: Immigrant Stories”. It is a weekly podcast that focuses on peoples’ journeys to America, specifically in NY and its surrounding areas. Every week, the podcast invites immigrants from all walks of life to share their stories. The goal is to create empathy for “the other” through relatable narratives. In today's polarized climate, the podcast strives to humanize immigrants through the intensely personal stories highlighting their experiences in the US.