
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Program of ISHR has been informed of a call for help launched by United Confederation of Taíno People to help community members in Puerto Rico.

Category 4 Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico just days after it was already suffering from the impacts of Hurricane Irma. The people of Borikén (Puerto Rico) are now living through the largest natural disaster that the island has faced in nearly a century.

By Marina Kumskova, M.A. in Human Rights ’17
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Mis-gendered security? Marina Kumskova, a recent alumna of the M.A. in Human Rights program at Columbia University, writes about the consequences of women’s exclusion from counterterrorism efforts.

Two new articles co-authored by ISHR's Joanne Bauer
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

In September, ISHR's Business and Human Rights Program director Joanne Bauer and Liz Umlas, Senior Fellow of the Croatan Institute, published two articles looking at the human rights considerations of certified B Corporations and benefit corporations, a relatively new form of social enterprise.

By Malcolm Katrak, guest blogger
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Monday, October 9, 2017

In commemoration of this day Native American Council of Columbia University will be hosting a celebration on Columbia University's Sundial. Below is an outline of the day's events: