
By David L. Phillips
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Biden administration is focused on human rights abuses of Uighur in Xinjiang. But Uighur are not the only ethnic or religious group targeted by China’s security state. Other Muslims and Christians are persecuted, as are Tibetans who have suffered decades of draconian rule by the Chinese Communist Party (CPC). While the U.S. may seek to influence China’s treatment of Tibetans through its Special Coordinator on Tibetan Issues, efforts to protect and promote Tibetan culture can have the greatest impact when undertaken with allies in Asia and Europe.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

With the support of the United Nations Democracy Fund, 2016 Advocate Raoul Kitungano Mulondani and his team at Justice for All organized a training for 30 journalists from South Kivu and Bukavu, the DRC. The journalists learned how to report on the collection and allocation of subnational revenues in the mining sector in an effort to monitor mining royalties and ensure that local communities receive fair profits from mining.

Trisha Mukherjee
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Trisha Mukherjee, a senior in Columbia College studying Human Rights with a specialization in English, was recently awarded one of the Office of University Life’s first Racial Justice Mini-Grants for her project “CU Against Racism: A Podcast Series Exploring Anti-Racist Efforts at Columbia.”  She was born and raised in New Jersey and is a proud daughter of Indian immigrant parents. She is interested in the intersections of immigration, storytelling, and decolonization.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

With a challenging academic year ahead, a consortium of Centers and Institutes will offer funding for proposals that cultivate student engagement and enhance the online learning experience for Columbia students and instructors. As many universities and colleges grapple with the reality of online and hybrid instruction in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, faculty members, teaching assistants, instructors, and students prepare to learn and teach in unprecedented ways. Structuring engaging online or hybrid courses is not a simple task.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

On February 8th, FIMI (the International Indigenous Women’s Forum) launched the 2021 edition of the Global School of Indigenous Women Leaders-a remote program this year. A record number of 35 Indigenous women from 20 countries and 28 Indigenous Peoples are participating this year. The overall program is organized in 390 hours, of which 190 hours are theoretical and 200 practical hours, which are developed over eight months, with a modular study regime.