
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Michael Miiro is the Technical Advisor on HIV/AIDS, disability and sexual and gender-based violence for the Masaka Association of Persons with Disabilities Living with HIV&AIDS (MADIPHA).
He has trained village health teams, health workers, and police in sign language and held workshops about PWDs who are Living with HIV & AIDS as well as SGBV against PWDs.
Milena Durán
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Milena Durán, 2019 AHDA Fellow, was interviewed as part of an oral history project organized by students at the Oral History Master of Arts
Jasmina Lazovic
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Jasmina Lazovic, 2019 AHDA Fellow, was interviewed as part of an oral history project organized by students at the Oral History Master of Arts.

Monday, February 17, 2020

By David L. Phillips

Friday, February 14, 2020

By David L. Phillips

Khartoum – Sudanese deserve to be rewarded for overthrowing the dictator Omar al-Bashir. Without a peace dividend, the economy will remain stagnant and shadowy forces from the old regime may foment violence in a bid to restore their power and privileges. The Trump administration should lift sanctions and remove Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism (SST).