
Alberta Christina Cahya Pertiwi
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Alberta Christina Cahya Pertiwi shares her experience as a student in the Human Rights Studies M.A. Program so far. 

In which program are you enrolled and when is your expected graduation date? 

Monday, November 6, 2023

2017 Advocate Lenny Emson, the president of EuroPride and the Executive Director of Transgender Europe, reported: “It’s a great honour to lead the opening ceremony of the 16th National LGBTQI conference of Ukraine. The event provides space for all CSO organizations and communities, and gives an opportunity to the international supporters to get a wide overview on human rights for LGBTQI in Ukraine and talk about inclusive humanitarian response.”

Angel Gilbert
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Angel Gilbert is a rising second-year student at Columbia College, and is honored to be a 2023 Miller Prize Award for her work with the organization Witness To Mass Incarceration

Carlos Asúnsolo Morales
Friday, October 27, 2023

Carlos Asúnsolo Morales was a participant in the 2017 Human Rights Advocates Program. He currently works as Research Director for Mexican Center for Environmental Law.

Please tell us what you have been doing since you attended HRAP.

Victor Gout
Monday, October 16, 2023
Victor Gout shares his experience during his time as a student in the Undergraduate program at the School of General Studies.
In which program are you enrolled and when is your expected graduation date?
Undergraduate Human Rights Major at the School of General Studies, graduated in May 2023.
What is your research focus? What drew you to this particular issue/set of issues?