
Monday, October 2, 2023
The Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) is inviting faculty to submit proposals for the Human Rights Research Award.
The Human Rights Research Award supports Columbia University faculty conducting research related to human rights and will provide students with an opportunity to gain valuable experience. In the 2023-2024 academic year, ISHR will award a limited number of research stipends to students in the amount of $1,500.
Claudia Sachs
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Claudia Sachs, a human rights undergraduate student at the School of General Studies, recently published an op-ed in the Columbia Spectator titled “Why the courts can be a powerful place for students to take action on climate change.” 
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

On September 19th, Stephanie Grepo of ISHR attended a side event sponsored by the Stephen Lewis Foundation, Funding Community-Led Development for the SDGs, and featuring 1996 Advocate Twesigye Jackson Kaguri, the Founder and ED of Nyaka in Uganda, as the keynote speaker. While making the rounds during the networking portion of the event, the first person Stephanie met was an incoming HRAP advocate! They had no idea that we would run into each other there. Stephanie introduced the incoming advocate, Esther Kimani, to Jackson.

Monday, September 18, 2023

2016 Advocate Aehshatou Manu and her colleagues from the African Indigenous Women Organization Central African Network (AIWO-CAN) continue to promote education for indigenous girls from the Mbororo Pastoralist and hunter-gatherer Baka Indigenous communities in the East and Adamawa regions of Cameroon as part of their mission to eradicate gender-based violence in these communities.

Monday, September 11, 2023

2019 Advocate Mariano Ruiz of Argentina has founded Derechos Humanos y Diversidad Asociación Civil, an NGO that will offer communication skills training to LGBTIQ grassroots advocates in Latin America and the Caribbean. The NGO will also house the first center for the integration of displaced LGBTIQ people in Argentina. Earlier this year, Mariano attended the Equitas International Human Rights Training Program in Canada.